Below is a sample of antiques available. Click on images for more details.
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English School Portrait of a Gentleman
England. 18th century.
This Eighteenth century English School portrait of a gentleman attired in garb befitting an earl is a fine example of aristocratic portraiture, a subject that became increasingly popular during the 18th century as more and more earldoms were handed out like candy in the political currency of the day. Unfortunately, neither artist nor subject is known to us, a thought that would probably appall both of them.
Pair of 19th Century Portraits
England. Circa 19th century.
This stern couple peers out at us through unique porthole frames from the period. Painted on canvas, they have been re-stretched onto wood backing and retrofitted to these frames, looking none the worse for the wear--though perhaps it was the move that soured their countenances.
Pair of Portraits
England. Circa 1820.
Painted in the early 19th century, this couple most likely came from means, as portraits were not an inexpensive proposition back then. They are dressed conservatively, but beyond that it is difficult to surmise their station. Neither painting is signed, but an artist of some skill was able to capture this couple.